We are the best solution for high school, college and university students who need to have their essays written properly

Features of our service
- Low prices
- Totally plagiarism-free essays
- Profound investigative researches
- Excellent quality in short terms
- Fully referenced essays
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- Experienced writers, pursuing far-reaching goals
- Approximately 320 words per page, Times New Roman font, double spaced, text aligned left
How to Write a High Quality Essay
Essay writing tends to be extremely time-consuming task that requires critical and analytical skills that are applied to foster conducting profound investigative research with concise results, relevant findings and reasonable conclusions. The structure of essay is less complex when compared to research paper. Unlike research papers where scientists are expected to provide numerous logical sections like abstract, introduction, analysis, findings, conclusions and recommendations, essays are structured by means of powerful network of ideas. Everyone should know that a high quality essay needs to have an introduction, two or three body paragraphs and a conclusion. In most cases, introductory part consists of three sentences, the last of which is a thesis statement. It happens very frequently that our specialists place general statement followed by statistical data to prove the validity of their claim. According to our experts’ view, this provides appropriate claim-proof interaction, which is the ground for thesis statement. To understand how it works in practice, let us delve into a certain essay topic. For instance, we are intended to write about video games evil. The first sentence would be, ‘Video games seriously affect young generation who quickly becomes engaged in playing violent action shooters’. The second sample sentence can be, ‘According to American Research Institute, approximately 95% percent of teenagers are hooked upon video games all over the country, which is twice higher index than in 2006.’ And, finally, thesis statement, ‘Video games evil has the detrimental impact upon youngsters who are prone to resembling violence in their real lives, becoming more cruel and indifferent towards other people and entire world, and subsequently losing all moral values.’ In the main body, we would list two supporting paragraphs, each discussing exact reasons for our main argument. The first supporting one would list loss of moral values as the main reason for video games evil, the second would mention capability and likelihood of youngsters to act violently through rebellion against other people, including relatives and friends. Finally, conclusion would prove that due to significant supporting evidence throughout our essay, our argument seems to be true and sound. This way, such essay writing plan would be fully trustable.
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Types of assignments
- Essay
- Article
- Article Critique
- Book Report
- Movie Review
- Term Paper
- Research Paper
- Summary
- Discussion
- Case Study
- SWOT Analysis
- Reflection Paper
- Report
- Proposal
- Outline
- Argumentative Essay
- Lab Report
- Business Plan
- Formal Letter
- Informal Letter
- Speech/Presentation
- Annotated Bibliography
- Dissertation
- Thesis
- PowerPoint Presentation
- Multiple Choice Questions (time-framed)
- Multiple Choice Questions (non-time-framed)
- Research Summary
- Admission Essay
- Personal Statement
- Scholarship Essay
- Editing
- Proofreading
- Formatting